

We are fully committed to safeguarding our students, staff and visitors, and have a dedicated team of safeguarding staff to offer advice and support.  Staff are trained to respond to any concerns and work alongside external agencies including Social Services to ensure positive outcomes for our students.


Our Safeguarding Team


Designated Safeguarding Leads:

Mrs K Richardson-Dunn (St Anthony’s)

Mrs G Hogg (St Aidan’s)

Ms Joanna Jackson (St Aidan’s)


Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads:

Mrs F Collins (St Anthony’s)

Ms Kat Land (St Aidan’s)

Ms Hollie Gordon (St Aidan’s)


Head of Sixth Form: Mrs S Ward (St Anthony’s)



What to do if you feel that a young person is at risk


If you are a parent or carer and you have a concern:

Contact can be made with the Designated Safeguarding Lead or one of the team on 0191 5658904 (St Anthony’s) or 0191 5200333 (St Aidan’s). An additional point of contact is your child’s Form Tutor or Year Leader.

If you are a student and you have a concern:

School staff are available to speak to you during normal school opening hours. If you are unhappy, worried or frightened about anything that happens during your time at Sixth Form, or in your personal life, we want to help you. Where there are concerns about the welfare of any child or young person all staff/volunteers have a duty to share those concerns with the Designated Safeguarding Lead.

Our staff are trained to support students with a wide range of issues including:

  • Emotional Wellbeing
  • Stress/Anxiety
  • Referral to Counselling Services
  • Physical/Emotional Issues
  • Staying Safe
  • Health Issues
  • Friendship/Peer Pressure
  • Bullying
  • Sexual Health/Referral to School Nurse

The curriculum provides opportunities for students to become equipped with the skills they need to keep themselves safe and lead healthy lives. Our PHSE programme, assemblies and tutorial programme enables students to develop the attitudes needed to lead responsible lives.


Useful information for Parents, Carers and Students


Policies « St. Anthony’s Girls’ Catholic Academy (

Policies: St. Aidan’s Catholic Academy


Mental Health and Wellbeing


We recognise that mental health and wellbeing is a growing concern and we aim to provide a supportive, inclusive environment which promotes and supports good mental health.  We celebrate a number of events throughout the year to raise awareness and our PHSE and tutorial programme gives students opportunities to learn how to manage anxiety, cope with stress or signpost specialist support if needed.  We also work closely with organisations such as Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) and Children and Young Peoples Service (CYPS) to support students diagnosed with mental health issues.


Anna Freud

Coping with self harm – Charlie Waller

Mental health problems in young people – Charlie Waller

Charlie Waller

Looking back and planning ahead toolkit

Improving self esteem




Technology and the internet is a great way to connect with friends and learn new things. It’s also important to be responsible online, stay safe and make sure you don’t share things that could put you or others in danger. We have an e-safety policy which is part of our safeguarding protocol.  As with all bullying, we will not tolerate cyber-bullying and therefore encourage young people and their parents to report any such issues to the school.

E-Safety Guidelines Policy

Bring Your Own Device Policy

National Online Safety

UK Safer Internet Centre


Internet Matters





Any form of bullying or harassment will not be tolerated and all students are encouraged to inform an adult if they are being bullied or harassed or if they are aware that others are being bullied or harassed. This includes bullying using social networking sites or by mobile phones. Any incidents of bullying will be dealt with in line with our Behaviour Management and Anti-Bullying Policy.

Anti-Bullying Policy


Anti-Bullying Network


Anti-Bullying Alliance


Sexual Abuse and Harrassment


As a community we have a ZERO TOLERANCE attitude towards sexual abuse and harassment.  Please report any incidents or concerns to an adult in school who will listen and take action.  The following charities and organisations can also offer support and advice:

Rape Crisis – Provide and signpost to a range of services to support people who have experienced rape, child abuse or any kind of sexual violence.

The Survivors Trust – UK-wide national umbrella agency with resources and support dedicated to survivors of rape, sexual violence and child sexual abuse.

Victim Support – Supporting children and young people who have been affected by crime.  Also provides support to professionals and parents who work with children and young people, regardless of whether a crime was reported or how long ago.

Childline – provides free and confidential advice for children and young people.

Barnardo’s – UK Charirty caring for and supporting somne of the most vulnerable children and young people through their range of services.

Marie Collins Foundation – Charity that works directly with children, young people and their families to enable their recovery following sexual abuse.

NSPCC – Children’s charity specialising in child protection with statutory powers enabling them to take action and safeguard children at risk of abuse.

Lucy Faithful Foundation – UK-wide child protection charity dedicated to preventing child sexual abuse. They work with families affected by sexual abuse and also run the confidential Stop It Now! Helpline.




Prevent is about safeguarding people and communities from the threat of terrorism. The Prevent duty is a government strategy to protect people from becoming involved in acts of terrorism or extremism. From July 2015, all schools and colleges must have strategies in place to ensure the identification of students who may be vulnerable to radicalisation, and then to know what do to if they are identified. Radicalisation is the process by which an individual or group comes to adopt increasingly extreme political, social or religious ideals that reject and/or undermine contemporary ideas and expressions of freedom of choice. Extremism means vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values and/or calls for the death of members of the British armed forces, whether in this country or overseas.

Let’s talk about it – Working together to prevent terrorism website.



Support for Parents/Carers – upcoming events


For information about support events for parents please monitor our News section of the Website