Qualification: A-Level
- Awarding Body:
- Length of Course:
- 2 Years
The A Level course in Mathematics encourages learners to think and act mathematically,using mathematical skills and forms of communication to analyse situations within mathematic sand elsewhere. The course provides a broad and widely applicable base of mathematical knowledge, including rigorous treatment of calculus and proof alongside statistics and mechanics.
The A-Level qualification build on the skills, knowledge and understanding set out in the GCSE subject content for Mathematics.
The content is separated into three areas: Pure Mathematics, Statistics and Mechanics.
The topics studied over the two years are:
Pure Mathematics
Proof, algebra and functions, co-ordinate geometry,sequences and series, trigonometry, exponentials and logarithms, differentiation, integration,numerical methods, vectors.
Quantities and units in mechanics, kinematics, forces and Newton’s laws and moments.
Statistical sampling, data presentation and interpretation,probability, statistical distributions, statistical hypothesis testing.
As part of the statistics content students are expected to work with a large data set. The purpose of the large data set is that learners experience working with real data in the classroom and can explore this data using appropriate technology. This data set is available on the OCR website.
Assessment at A Level
Three equally weighted examinations, each 2 hours in length, taken at the end of Year 13.
Students are allowed the use of a calculator in all papers:
Paper 1: Pure Maths
Paper 2: Pure Maths and Statistics
Paper 3: Pure Maths and Mechanics
Relevance to Further Studies and Careers
The course provides a broad and widely applicable base of mathematical knowledge, preparing learners for a wide range of destinations in Higher Education and employment. An A Level in Mathematics opens the doors to many career opportunities and is an impressive qualification to have on any CV. Essential for many university courses such as Mathematics and desirable for many including those in the scientific/medical profession.