BTEC Applied Science

Qualification: BTEC and other level 3 Courses

Awarding Body:
Length of Course:
2 Years

This BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Applied Science is equivalent in size to one A-Level.

The course covers all three sciences of Biology, Chemistry and Physics but in an “applied” context. That means you will not only learn the science but also how it is used in real life organisations.  You will be supported through your studies by expert teachers will give you lots of support and guidance.

The course consists of the following units:

Unit 1: Principles and Applications of Science.  This unit will allow you to build on your GCSE knowledge of Biology, Chemistry and Physics, it is assessed via three 40 minute examinations.

Unit 2: Practical Scientific Procedures and Techniques.  This unit will allow you develop your practical and analytical skills.  Practical work will be carried out in our well-equipped laboratories as well as during visits to Sunderland University.  This unit is internally assessed via a portfolio of coursework.

Unit 3:  Scientific Investigation Skills.  This unit will allow you to develop your investigation skills in the context of Biology, Chemistry and Physics.  This unit is assessed via controlled assessment that is externally marked.  The controlled assessment involves planning an investigation, carrying it out, processing your data, drawing conclusions and being examined on your understanding of the principals of scientific investigation

Further Unit: Allowing you to extend your knowledge and understanding of particular aspects of science.   This unit is internally assessed via a portfolio of course work.


Entry Requirements

Two grade 5s in GCSE Physics / Biology / Chemistry or Grade 5’s in Combined Science (Trilogy) plus Grade 5 in Maths

Further Information

Future Careers

This course will prepare you well for many science-based careers including Nursing, Paramedic Science, Occupational Therapy, Public Health, Primary Teaching, Childcare, Sports Management, Animal Behaviour, Biochemistry, Physiotherapy and Biomedical Sciences. Students could choose degree pathways or take apprenticeships in fields such as laboratory work and Engineering.